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  1. chillout

    Common Sense* Call For Common Sense

    Do you have some words of wisdom to share? Are you a seasoned driver with some helpful advice for others? Would you like to help new drivers learn about unwritten rules of the road? READ MORE...
  2. chillout

    Fuel for Thought Encroachment

    Having gained the intestinal fortitude to interject oneself into another’s affairs with the intent of encroaching on their patron, one can find themselves with a rueful countenance. Interlopers are generally not well received. READ MORE...
  3. chillout

    It's a Team's Life Flash Me

    Using your 4-ways or emergency flashers every time you back up, warning others of traffic slowing, or when stopped not in a parking stop should be mandatory in every driver’s book. Using the trucks, 4-ways is like setting out an orange cone; it warns others of danger, or something is about to...
  4. chillout

    Fuel for Thought Facts or Falsehoods?

    Studies can be found for almost anything. We spend a lot of time and money studying everything in our world and even many things not on this planet. READ MORE...
  5. chillout

    It's a Team's Life Acknowledge Your Mistakes

    Recently a pickup pulling a trailer about took the front of our truck off, and I honked at him... What happened next was unusual as a hand came out of the window and waved big with all of his fingers pointing up. I took that to mean he realized he messed up and was acknowledging his mistake...
  6. chillout

    Fuel for Thought Dine and Dry?

    Most drivers know about the truck stop lunch counter. Some love it and some avoid it at all costs. Over the years it has become known as a place to not only get a bite to eat, but also to get a heaping helping of embellished stories with a side of outlandish claims and all of it peppered with...
  7. chillout

    It's a Team's Life Changing World - A look back

    At the time of this writing, we have been home ten days, from March 10th and leaving today, March 20th, to pick up a load going to Tennessee. During our time at home it seems that the world is changing by the hour, and not for the better. We were home to get a few things done before heading out...
  8. chillout

    It's a Team's Life The Lone Toilet

    While driving in California recently, I saw something that made me look twice and then once again. Over to my right was what looked like an outhouse with a porcelain toilet facing the highway with no door. The glistening white of the toilet was unmistakable inside the small building. Where is...
  9. chillout

    Common Sense* History

    These are the original seven wonders of the world.... I mention these to show that even though all but the Great Pyramid of Giza are gone, we still know about them. Destroying historical monuments and buildings does not erase the past. READ MORE...
  10. chillout

    It's a Team's Life Secure that Pallet Jack

    Bob created a video of how to secure a pallet jack while empty. Due to the nature of our business, we need to carry a pallet jack. I hear about pallet jacks because they are difficult to restrain when not in use going down the road. Some strap it to the wall, and others have a device that you...
  11. chillout

    Fuel for Thought To Mask, or Not To Mask, That Is The Question.

    Many people debate whether masks work for filtering a virus, or how well it can filter anything. There are plenty of staunch supporters for their beliefs in whether masks are effective at stopping a pandemic or not. Just as with political affiliations and religious beliefs, each side has dug in...
  12. chillout

    It's a Team's Life Which vehicle are you driving?

    While driving on I-5 in the Los Angeles California area minding my own business in the slow lane I watched as smaller vehicles zipped this way and that way in front of me. My route took me from Grapevine down to Santa Ana, and I was able to witness a lot of craziness as well as drivers...
  13. chillout

    Fuel for Thought Sliding Tandem Trailer Axles

    Sliding tandems can be a regular occurrence for many tractor trailer drivers. Straight truck expediters may have a liftable axle, but there is not any sliding of axles. Where and when you slide tandem trailer axles is important. While you might not think much of it, please consider your...
  14. chillout

    It's a Team's Life I need something from Amazon before we get home

    We can run all over town in the truck looking for a certain item or we can have it shipped to a truck stop... When away from home for months, it has become easier to purchase and have an item shipped to a location we pick and know it will be safe until we can retrieve our purchase. Have you...
  15. chillout

    Fuel for Thought If You BYOP, Prepare To DIY

    A truck stop or travel center, as they now want to be called, is nothing more than a very large convenience store for truckers and the general public. A for profit business is a venture by those who invest their time and money into it with the intent of seeing an increase in sales, to generate...
  16. chillout

    It's a Team's Life Freeway Cap

    Have you heard this term?... In California on Interstate 210, look up before going under what looks like a long underpass. We cannot see the beautiful park we are driving under that is pretty extensive, an acre and a half. The park is known as La Cañada Flintridge's park or Memorial Park. The...
  17. chillout

    It's a Team's Life What is this?

    We have always thought these raised colorful bumps on sidewalks were for traction but we were wrong ... Have you pushed or pulled your pallet jack across yellow bumps placed on sidewalks. I always thought they were for traction or to help clean our feet off before entering a store. Each time...
  18. chillout

    Fuel for Thought LED vs Halogen

    Technology keeps moving forward. If you have a truck with halogen headlamps and are considering replacing them with LED headlamps, they are much more “plug and play” than in the past. You have probably seen the flickering LED headlamps in some vehicles with aftermarket LEDs. This was generally a...
  19. chillout

    Common Sense* Who are THEY?

    THEY say a lot. THEY say if we don’t wear a mask we will get the coronavirus. THEY say if we don’t wear a mask we will give the coronavirus to others. THEY say our flimsy masks cannot filter the virus. THEY say we should avoid social gatherings. THEY say if we wear inadequate face coverings but...
  20. chillout

    It's a Team's Life Cooking in the Truck Team vs Solo

    In the past few months, I have cooked more in the truck than I have in the past fifteen years.... I have found it funny how we all look at situations differently. While talking to a friend that drives solo, he did not understand the big deal of cooking a meal when done driving for the day. He...