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  1. R

    Nissan NV3500

    Yes that is city driving. I'm taking it on a longer trip in July. I'll let everyone know if it gets better after that. everyone will have a like or dislike about this vehicle. I myself so far likes the way it handles. the V8 has plenty of power....By the way one thing I forgot to mention the D...
  2. R

    Nissan NV3500

    I've been reading all the post on the 3500nv. I bought one a month ago. My main reason was, price vs sprinter, from what I've been able to research they are some what compairable to the payload of a sprinter. Yes the console can be removed. only 4 bolts. You can order it without the mat in the...
  3. R

    Is Load1 currently taking on CV's?

    This is for John Elliott Your web site says that you are taking cv's and sprinters according to Brian, thats not true. Would you please update your info, so that we wont waste your's or our time. Thanks