Search results

  1. LastChance2

    Who wants to share? (concerning drivers)

    Here's a diplomatic way of doing things. If anyone would like to know of the drivers who have posted on the free classifieds on this site looking for work who have ended up being worthless, or no-shows, or crybabies, please private message me. Especially if you have a driver out of Tennessee...
  2. LastChance2

    My turn to ask a question...

    Since I seem to have been doing a lot of defending of myself right off the bat, let me take a different tactic and learn something new while it's on my mind. Normally when a question like this arises in my mind, I would just ask my boyfriend/co-owner but he's sleeping off his busy last four...
  3. LastChance2

    I seem to have opened a can of worms

    My other thread has gotten inundated with differing topics all stemming from my original post, and some of them have gotten a little huffy (and I'm including myself in that, I'm queen of huffiness at times :) ). However, it was not my intention to almost seem like a troll and just jump in with...
  4. LastChance2

    Multiple carriers.. beating a dead horse

    I say beating a dead horse, but I'm not here to get advice about multiple carriers, but rather to debunk a fairly recent post I read from another member about how he would have to have proof that running for multiple carriers is more lucrative than running for one good one. Well, I can only...