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  1. D

    The Thread You Can Use When You Need To

    i wish it was summer, i don't like camping in the winter, but i have a feeling i'm going to get used to it
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    older trucks 2

    Love that DD 60, DDECIII, 1.3 million. I'm pulling that Panther trailer, and I might only be doing 56 or 62 but I'm getting 9mpg when I'm light and the winds going my way. Some people tell me its just getting broke in. I believe that a lot of companies have that young truck requirement just...
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    Things will be slow.

    That "newbie" theory is very interesting. I know from experience that taking everything they throw at you is not always the most profitable thing to do. As a matter of fact I think there are some folks down at the office who would say, "Give it to Mikey, he'll take anything." Attitude is...
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    Panther out of business?

    I'm with you Jack. I will put my trust in the Lord. A smart man takes the winter off. I got a bad feeling about this one too. Winter is winter, sure is nice to have the internet in the truck, really helps when you know where the snow isn't. Running solo, tractor trailer, had a great week 2...