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  1. W

    A question about Haz Mat endorsement and Nations E

    Hey everybody, I will be talking with Jeff Y. with Nations Express tomorrow, and was looking at the Haz Mat endorsement they require you to have. My question to anybody in the know is: is there not a waiting period of 30-45 days, in order for them to run a background check, as part of the...
  2. W

    On Time Express Highlighted.......Thats my company

    How cool to see the company I work for, on the front page of EO! Everything they put in the article was spot on. Due to the fact that they are located right outside of Detroit, they generally have no problem getting you out, and reeling you back in just as quickly. I have a wife and 2 young...
  3. W

    Good talk radio

    Hey gang, I have to imagine that most everybody in the trucking profession spends quite a bit of time listening to the radio, and I have to believe that many have went to Satellite. I picked up my Sirius a couple months ago and it is awesome. If anybody out there wants a recommendation for...
  4. W

    What is an acceptable percentage to make off a loa

    Hi guys and gals, Am thinking about moving to a different expediting company, and am trying to figure out if this is for me. I currently do a job that pays by the box, kind of like Fed Ex. The company I am considering will have me doing regional work, and they take a cut of 40 percent of...