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  1. B

    What should I do now?

    Hiya Pappy, As you can see from my handle I'm a Hammond B3 player. I've been in "The Business" on and off for a long time. I'm 55 and now run a very high end, extremely private studio. Over the years I've seen many people's dreams destroyed by Nashville hype artists. There seem to be more of...
  2. B

    Potential Drivers - What are your expectations fro

    RE: Potential Drivers - What are your expectations Hi Scott, I expect dispatch to understand what goes on out on the road. I've had great and unreasonable experiences so I know the difference. I look at dispatch as my ground control. The mediator between me and the customer, working in both our...
  3. B

    how to figure cubes

    61.5 cubic inches per liter. E.g. (5.7)(61.5) = 350.55. Can't do Rubix Cube. Sorry.;):)
  4. B


    Saw $3.35 in WI. Gas $257. Stupid. Don't know how ya'll are making it. Prayers out to all you and families.
  5. B


    Hey Miko, Our company, a childcare, runs DL check through the insurance Co. and requires no signature except job app. The criminal backgroun does require a seperate form with your signature. I think the company you are with now ran everything through an outside H.R. company. Hope this helps...
  6. B

    Getting Started

    Thank you all for your inputs. I feel vindicated. I hate to quit anything I start but Greg is right. As the late spring became summer I looked down at the families on vacation rolling along happily oblivious to the danger around them. Greg's story about the accident scene ran through my mind...
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    Getting Started

    I hired on with a local co. here in Wi. It often happened that as a second shift local driver, I would run a co. cargo van from 3pm-midnight and then start logging "D" unit time for my 11/14. Often I was exhausted driving in AM rush hour after 15 or so hour shifts. Sometimes it worked the other...
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    What it costs vs what you make

    Thanks. Yes I ment "gross" income. Duh! A senior moment.
  9. B

    What it costs vs what you make

    Previous business experience tells me if I divide the gross by 3 I have a descent income projection. So, say 1/3 net income to truck, 1/3 to the damn revenuers, and 1/3 to me as the O O. Does this agree generally with y'all experienced owners cost experiences. Is this how Raceman survived the...
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    DOT/Co. Phys

    Hey all, Had my first physical in eight years. I'm getting back out there. Took 45 min and found my B P is a little high. Card good for 1 year only. Will get tested privatly. And to get a job that good, I'm sure the Doc at Flying J is out of big East Coast med school and top of class. Jeepers...
  11. B

    Window Van

    Greetings All!! And thank you for all the info provided in these forums! So I have a chance to get a used Chevy 3500 ext 15 passenger window van 350, 4 speed auto, at a very resonable price. Only about 45,000 miles and well maintained. I know the owner. And I was thinkin this thing is so...