Cargo Van Will we be able to work through Coronavirus?


Veteran Expediter
The US now has 16 states that have over 1,000 cases.
COVID 19 will infect and affect every city in every state.
Is it starting to sink in that this is a national problem? Not just a NY problem ..... or a CA problem ..... a WA problem .....?
We need a national comprehensive strategy. Politicians high and low are still reacting to numbers of cases rather than being proactive.

We need to shut down the entire country.
Shut it down.


Veteran Expediter
Yeah, that's why Democrat governors have praised Trump... they're concerned about his ego. :rolleyes:

Trump during today's press conference:
"He wants the governors to be appreciative."
He said he's told Pence not to call the governor of Washington, not to call the governor of Michigan because they've been critical of him.
Truly insightful!
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The US now has 16 states that have over 1,000 cases.
COVID 19 will infect and affect every city in every state.
Is it starting to sink in that this is a national problem? Not just a NY problem ..... or a CA problem ..... a WA problem .....?
We need a national comprehensive strategy. Politicians high and low are still reacting to numbers of cases rather than being proactive.

We need to shut down the entire country.
Shut it down.
States are shutdown.


Veteran Expediter
A few at least. From memory : Ny, Louisiana, Illinois, Connecticut, and here in Michigan.
No more school either for the rest of the school year.

Ok, perhaps read the previous post again.
I think we should have a national shutdown .... all states. .... now.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
The US now has 16 states that have over 1,000 cases.
COVID 19 will infect and affect every city in every state.
That's how the virology of pandemics work.
Is it starting to sink in that this is a national problem? Not just a NY problem ..... or a CA problem ..... a WA problem .....?
Starting? Starting to sink in? No. Trump knew this was a high probability when he shut down air travel from China. That's why he shut down air travel from China when he did. And for doing that, he was called racist and xenophobic by the very people who want to be president. Now you're saying he's clueless and should have done it sooner?

As for WA, CA and NY, those are the hotspots that must be concentrated on. It makes infinitely more sense to concentrate resources on hotspots than it does in places like Blowing Rock, NC.
We need to shut down the entire country.
Shut it down
That's up to state and local governments, not the federal government. The President doesn't have the Constitutional authority to issue a national lockdown or quarantine. The Constitution gives those kinds of police powers to the states. The CDC has the authority to quarantine individuals, but not large groups of people (unless those large groups can be shown to be infectious and likely to spread the infection across state lines).
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Veteran Expediter
That's how the virology of pandemics work.
Starting? Starting to sink in? No. Trump knew this was a high probability when he shut down air travel from China. That's why he shut down air travel from China when he did. And for doing that, he was called racist and xenophobic by the very people who want to be president. Now you're saying he's clueless and should have done it sooner?

As for WA, CA and NY, those are the hotspots that must be concentrated on. It makes infinitely more sense to concentrate resources on hotspots than it does in places like Blowing Rock, NC.

That's up to state and local governments, not the federal government. The President doesn't have the Constitutional authority to issue a national lockdown or quarantine. The Constitution gives those kinds of police powers to the states. The CDC has the authority to quarantine individuals, but not large groups of people (unless those large groups can be shown to be infectious and likely to spread the infection across state lines).

Trump has been repeating that he stopped air travel from China ad naseum! Looks like you're on board. That single action is old news and honestly it didn't happen. TRUMP NEVER SHUT DOWN AIR TRAVEL FROM CHINA! On Jan 31st he restricted air travel for foreign nationals that had been in China during the last 14 days. Daily flights between China and the US continued. Also, Jan 31st was late in the game ... most major airlines had already suspended flights on their own! So please, give it a rest.

As for his constitutional authority, if Trump were to get on tv and ask for a national shutdown it would put pressure on governors and it would happen. I thought folks voted for Trump because he's not a politician, would do what's needed and would show true leadership. True leadership sometimes requires bold moves for the benefit of all. He's not that guy.
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Staff member
Retired Expediter
Trump has been repeating that he stopped air travel from China ad naseum! Looks like you're on board. That single action is old news and honestly it didn't happen. TRUMP NEVER SHUT DOWN AIR TRAVEL FROM CHINA! On Jan 31st he restricted air travel for foreign nationals that had been in China during the last 14 days. Daily flights between China and the US continued.
When I say he stopped air travel from China, what I mean in exactly all of that. But I'm not going to type in all of that crap every time I say it when I can simply state that he shut down air travel from China and everybody knows what it means
Also, Jan 31st was late in the game ... most major airlines had already suspended flights on their own! So please, give it a rest.
You already made that false claim a few days ago, and I refuted it with dates and what the airlines did and when they did it. Making the same erroneous claim now doesn't magically make it true.
As for his constitutional authority, if Trump were to get on tv and ask for a national shutdown it would put pressure on governors and it would happen.
How do you know it world happen? The governors didn't listen to him when he shut down air travel from China and told them to prepare for the worst.
True leadership sometimes requires bold moves for the benefit of all. He's not that guy.
Well, again, you're in the distinct minority on that. More than 60%of the country strongly approve of how he is handling the virus crisis.

Also, "bold moves" doesn't mean anything. You still haven't listed anything that he could have done, or should do, within his legal authority, that is different from the advice he received from medical, health and pandemic experts. Even Dr Fauci, who is regarded and the world's foremost expert on pandemics, says they're is no space between him and his advice, and what Trump has done. Is Fauci clueless, too?
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Here in south Florida, I work for a linen company and since all of the restaurants are not allowed to have dine in service, our business has ground to a halt. I am on salary so I will still get paid ( we have a lot of things on our list we can do since nobody is working), but all of the people on the floor were sent home on Wednesday the 18th, and they have not worked since then. Tuesday the 24th both me and my wife woke up with a fever, she had a cough and lost her sense of smell, but other than the fever I had no other symptoms. My employer sent me home and told me to call my doctor, they told me to stay at home for the typical 14 days and that I should call to try to get tested. Well, the only people who are eligible to get tested are health care workers, first responders and anyone over 65 who are showing symptoms. So I cant say for sure that we have the virus but its looking like it. We are both feeling fine now, no more fever and her cough is almost cleared up.

I know part of the bill that was signed the other day was to up the unemployment benefits, but here in Florida the max weekly benefit is $257 and they have make it next to impossible to actually get it, so I doubt that it will help anyone I work with, and that is just the legal ones, the ones that are not legal, they are just plain screwed.

I also had to have a talk with my wife so that she understood if it came to the point of the doctors wanting to put me on a ventilator, that was not to happen. If anyone else decides that is what they want, they should tell the people who would be responsible for making that decision about what their wishes are.

On a positive note, gas is under $2 a gallon and I filled my car up with diesel at 2.19 never thought I would see that price!!!!


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Man, I hope you and your wife are OK.

One thing to keep in mind is, pandemics turn everybody into hypochondriacs. People are hyper in tune with every twinge of a symptom, and they immediately jump to the pandemic, even though the flu, the common cold, all of that is still present. Another thing to note is, so far, 90% of the people who have been tested have tested negative for the coronavirus.


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
If you are otherwise reasonably healthy, using a ventilator is just a temporary aid to assist your body while overcoming covid-19. It is not of itself an omen or creator of a horrid future life.
If you already have substantial health deficits, then the addition of a ventilator may be something you want to discuss in advance.
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Veteran Expediter
If you are otherwise reasonably healthy, using a ventilator is just a temporary aid to assist your body while overcoming covid-19. It is not of itself an omen or creator of a horrid future life.
If you already have substantial health deficits, then the addition of a ventilator may be something you want to discuss in advance.

Yeah, I was going to say something about it yesterday. But to each their own.
But then I saw a local story today of a teacher coming off the respirator after 3 days.

Teacher with coronavirus breathing on own again

"The power of prayer, it's just awesome," says Jon McCulloch, who dropped his wife off at the hospital March 22 for treatment for the coronavirus.

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Retired Expediter
Yeah, I was going to say something about it yesterday. But to each their own.
Normally, when you hear someone is on a ventilator, it's usually pretty bad and it doesn't get a whole lot better. That's not always the case, of course. My mom was on a ventilator for 5 days after her cancer surgery, and she came off it with no problems.

But in the case of coronavirus, they are most definitely not putting people on ventilators to "delay the inevitable," as some people might think. They are putting people on the ventilators specifically to put more oxygen in the blood so they can get off the ventilators. The virus can cause labored breathing and thus reduced oxygen in the bloodstream, which isn't good for a single internal organ. It's really bad. If your lips turn blue, you probably need to be on a ventilator, and soon.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Did they say what kind of masks they'll be making there? I'm guessing the face shields with the clear plastic shield. But maybe not. I just know how difficult it is to make N95 masks. You need special machines to make the material, but I guess they could be outsourcing that.