C&M Transport
Class B or A OTR straight truck team and solo drivers needed!
If you looking for hassle free, busy OTR company with great dispatch then give us a call.
You will make good money as well as meet many new people in entertainment industry.
6 months of verified experience required.
Different payment options available.
We have multiple newer trucks available.
Well equipped and fully serviced Freightliner M2 112 truck with 96'' BOLT sleeper. 2020 Volvo VNL with 48'' Sleeper.
Give us a call and we can discuss!
646-529-8672 Louie
440-350-0802 Mark at C&M transport
This classified has expired.
Ad number: | 31140 |
Title | C&M Transport |
Category | Driving Jobs & Opportunities |
Subcategory | Driver Wanted |
Username: | Alan2003 |
Member since: | Oct 20, 2024 |
Location: | Painesville, Ohio 44077 |
Listings: | Seller's Other Listings |
Contact Seller
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