In The News

Staying Prepared for Roadside Inspections

By Brandon Baxter - Staff Writer
Posted Sep 23rd 2024 8:00AM
Recently, the FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) held its Brake Safety Week. It’s the annual commercial motor vehicle brake-safety inspection, enforcement and education initiative conducted by law enforcement agencies across North America. During Brake Safety Week, inspectors conduct their usual Level I and V inspections and report all brake-related data to the CVSA (Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance). Brake-related violations typically relate to the large...

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Tips to Conserve Fuel

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Dollars & Sense

Fuel Prices are Top Industry Concern

The American Trucking Associations’ (ATA) Management Conference and Exhibition recently took place in San Diego, Calif...

Driver Lifestyles

You are Getting Sleepy...

Something we should all be better attuned to is our body and how it tries to communicate with us. Like listening when it...