It's a Team's Life

Air Tabs or Vortex Generators

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Mar 15th 2011 4:11AM


I remember this as Air Tabs were the first item we purchased for our truck to help with fuel mileage and we were very optimistic that we would see a fuel mileage gain.   The Air Tabs are inexpensive and easy to install.   Bob cleaned the sides and the roof of the truck and than using the template provided attached the Air Tabs. In all of this time we have not lost any Air Tabs.

We did not see all of the fuel mileage gain we had hope for, but we quickly noticed a difference in our truck.   The truck did not feel as if it was buffeted in the wind as bad as it was before the Air Tabs, which increased the stability and ease of driving.


The next thing we noticed which proved to be really nice in the winter was the fact the back of our truck stayed cleaner.   When this really became apparent was in the winter and snowy conditions.   The rear taillights did not get packed with snow, which improved the trucks visibility in adverse conditions.

One of the things I like about the Air Tabs is they are a great reference point when backing into docks.   I use the Air Tabs to line up the rear of the truck with the dock bumpers and back straight in.

The Air Tabs change the spray pattern behind the truck when driving in rain, which helps the visibility when looking in the mirrors.   The Air Tabs create a swirl of air that fills in the vacuum behind the truck thus reducing drag.   To read more about how a vacuum works against a truck read this article by Henry Albert: Slice of Trucker Life

We have found as our Air Tabs have aged they are hard to keep clean.   The Blue Beacon truck wash and their brushes do not clean the Air Tabs.   When we find a Truck-O-Mat we use them as their swirly brushes make the Air Tabs look almost new.


Air Tabs in stalled on a van

If you are at the truck show in Louisville (MATS) stop by and see Jack and the gang in booth 68232.   If you do not get to see Air Tabs at MATS they will be attending the Expedite Expo in July.   One of the things I really appreciate about the Air Tabs gang is their participation and support of the driver’s activities.   They do not just donate they attend the events and we enjoy spending time with them in the relaxed setting of the BBQ’s or the walks.

Here is the link to the web site: AirTabs

See you at the truck show!


Sign up for the MATS Health Awareness Walk April 2nd Louisville, KY


Trucking Solutions Group and The American Red Cross April 1st Booth #91470

Please give so others may live


Register for the Mid America Truck show here:




Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 6 years been out here on the road 11 years

[email protected]


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