.....And it's getting scary. Christmas day, a 35-ton truck tried to navigate a one-lane bridge rated at 6 tons. The combination of being too heavy and too big (it never could have cleared the iron girders that make up the bridge's structure) made the end results all too predictable.
The driver said that (a) she had driven across the bridge before in her personal vehicle without problems and (b) she didn't know how much weight 6 tons is. (For those that don't know--- 12,000 lbs. Her truck, at 35 tons, was 70,000 lbs.)
I wish I could say this sort of thing is unusual, but there's a You-Tube channel about the misadventures that take place with frightening regularity at an 11' 8" clearance bridge in North Carolina. The inability to read posted warnings, or even apparently to slow down so you can check if it looks close, does not appear to be taught anymore at the truck-driving schools.
Historic Indiana bridge collapses under semi
The driver said that (a) she had driven across the bridge before in her personal vehicle without problems and (b) she didn't know how much weight 6 tons is. (For those that don't know--- 12,000 lbs. Her truck, at 35 tons, was 70,000 lbs.)
I wish I could say this sort of thing is unusual, but there's a You-Tube channel about the misadventures that take place with frightening regularity at an 11' 8" clearance bridge in North Carolina. The inability to read posted warnings, or even apparently to slow down so you can check if it looks close, does not appear to be taught anymore at the truck-driving schools.
Historic Indiana bridge collapses under semi